Annual Summer Meeting of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association, Inc.

in cooperation with University of Massachusetts Amherst Extension

July 17, 2008
University of Massachusetts Cold Spring Orchard Research & Education Center
391 Sabin Street, Belchertown

Register and pay today ($25 per person, tour, lunch, speaking program, and pesticide recertification credits included) using your credit card:


10:00 AM Tour of Cold Spring Orchard Research & Education Center.
Some topics include: vineyard progress, powdery mildew in grapes, abscisic acid for thinning, Harvista, Inspire, fall blackberries, potato leafhopper, rootstocks, tall-spindle training system, enhancing return bloom.

12:15 PM Lunch. The lunch will include a spectacular meal from Outlook Farm in Westhampton, Massachusetts. Several barbequed specialties will be available, along with all the fixings.

1:30 PM Welcome, Introductions, and Brief Remarks.
Andre Tougas, President, Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association

1:35 PM Update on Endowment Development
Wes Autio, for the Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association
Steve Goodwin, University of Massachusetts

1:40 PM Ronald J. Prokopy Award for Outstanding Support of Massachusetts Agriculture Presented to MaryMcClintock of the Greenfield Recorder.
Andre Tougas & Tom Clark, Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association
Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association Award of Gratitude Presented in Memory of Hamilton Tony Lincoln, Jr.
Andre Tougas & Ken Nicewicz, Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association

1:45 PM An Update on Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Activities.
Scott Soares, MDAR

2:00 PM GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices) in Massachusetts, the Future and a Survey of Growers.
David Nyachuba & Rich Bonanno, University of Massachusetts

2:45 PM Adjourn.

Registration for this meeting will be $25 and will include the tour, educational program, pesticide recertification credit, and the meal.

Register and pay today using your credit card:

To ensure the availability of your meal:

We must receive pre-registrations by Monday, July 14 at noon.