Annual Summer Meeting of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association, Inc.

in cooperation with University of Massachusetts Amherst Extension Fruit Program

Monday, July 18, 2011
Parlee Farms
95 Farwell Rd., Tyngsboro, MA

Register and pay today -- $40 for Massachusetts or Rhode Island Fruit Growers' Association members, $50 for all others, includes tour, lunch, speaking program, and pesticide recertification credits -- using your credit card:

After selecting member or non-member, click on Add to Cart. You will then have the option to make multiple reservations.

You can also download, print, and mail your registration.



*** NOTE: there will be 3 pesticide re-certification credits ***

10:00 AM Orchard Tour of Parlee Farms including apple, cherry, blueberry and ‘Advanced’ and ‘Extension Team’ IPM

12:00 PM Catered LUNCH by Bianco Catering (

1:00 PM Welcome, introductions, and brief remarks Mark Parlee President, Massachusetts Fruit Growers’ Association

1:15 PM ‘Squirt and Pray: Growth Regulator Use in Tree Fruit’
Win Cowgill, Rutgers Cooperative Extension

1:45 PM ‘Bad &Ugly: Experience with Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in New Jersey’
Win Cowgill, Rutgers Cooperative Extension

2:15 PM ‘Pre-harvest Drop Control of Apple: What to Look For This Year’
Duane Greene, UMass Amherst

2:30 PM Pesticide re-certification credits and adjourn


*** NOTE: there will be 3 pesticide re-certification credits ***

Registration for this meeting will be $50 ($40 for MFGA and RIFGA members) and will include the tour, educational program, pesticide recertification credits, and lunch.

Register and pay today using your credit card:

MFGA and RIFGA members: $40 per person, includes lunch. All others: $50 per person, includes lunch.


You can also download, print, and mail your registration.

To ensure the availability of your meal:

We must receive pre-registrations by Monday, July 11 at noon if you want to eat.