Annual Summer Meeting of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers’ Association |
10:00 AM: Welcome to Honey Pot Hill Orchards -- Andrew Martin
10:15 AM: Orchard Tour
NOON: Honey Pot Hill Orchard Lunch provided with the registration charge
1:30 PM: Welcome to the Annual Summer Meeting and announcements -- Andrew Martin, President
1:35 PM: Presentation of the Annual Ronald J. Prokopy Award in Recognition of Outstanding Support of Massachusetts Agriculture -- Ken Nicewicz
1:40 PM: Educational Program -- Win Cowgill, Rutgers University
2:30 PM: Adjourn
One hour of pesticide license recertification credit will be offered for the day
Registration for this meeting will be $20 for Mass. Fruit Growers’ Association members ($25 for non-members) per person and will include the tour, educational program, pesticide recertification credits, and lunch.
To ensure the availability of the meal, please pre-register by returning the bottom of this form, with a check made out to M.F.G.A. for $20 per person ($25 for non-MFGA members) or go to and pay by credit card.
We must receive pre-registrations by Wednesday, July 5 to assure availability of the lunch.
PDF version of this announcement
send completed this form with name and number people attending to: Doreen York, Agriculture & Landscape Program, Bowditch Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-0910
With check made out to M.F.G.A. for $20 ($25 non-MFGA members) per person by Friday, July 5.
Name or orchard:
Number of people attending: