
Annual Summer Meeting of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers’ Association

in cooperation with University of Massachusetts Fruit Program

WEDNESDAY, July 10, 2013 Honey Pot Hill Orchards, 138 Sudbury Rd., Stow, Massachusetts

10:00 AM: Welcome to Honey Pot Hill Orchards -- Andrew Martin

10:15 AM: Orchard Tour

NOON: Honey Pot Hill Orchard Lunch provided with the registration charge

1:30 PM: Welcome to the Annual Summer Meeting and announcements -- Andrew Martin, President

1:35 PM: Presentation of the Annual Ronald J. Prokopy Award in Recognition of Outstanding Support of Massachusetts Agriculture -- Ken Nicewicz

1:40 PM: Educational Program -- Win Cowgill, Rutgers University

2:30 PM: Adjourn

One hour of pesticide license recertification credit will be offered for the day

Registration for this meeting will be $20 for Mass. Fruit Growers’ Association members ($25 for non-members) per person and will include the tour, educational program, pesticide recertification credits, and lunch.

To ensure the availability of the meal, please pre-register by returning the bottom of this form, with a check made out to M.F.G.A. for $20 per person ($25 for non-MFGA members) or go to massfruitgrowers.org and pay by credit card.

We must receive pre-registrations by Wednesday, July 5 to assure availability of the lunch.

PDF version of this announcement

Register on-line using PayPal and a credit card

Choose registration type (update quantity on checkout)


send completed this form with name and number people attending to: Doreen York, Agriculture & Landscape Program, Bowditch Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-0910                                                                                                                   

With check made out to M.F.G.A. for $20 ($25 non-MFGA  members) per person by Friday, July 5.

Name or orchard:

Number of people attending: