
Annual Summer Meeting of the Massachusetts Fruit Growers’ Association

in cooperation with University of Massachusetts Fruit Program

WEDNESDAY, July 9, 2014
UMass Cold Spring Orchard Research & Education Center
391 Sabin Street, Belchertown, Massachusetts

10:00 AM Welcome to UMass Cold Spring Orchard -- Duane Greene & Shawn McIntire
10:15 AM Orchard Tour
NOON Outlook Farm BBQ Lunch provided with the registration charge
1:15 PM Welcome to the Annual Summer Meeting and announcements-- Al Rose, President
1:20 PM Welcome from the Dean -- Steve Goodwin, Dean, College of Natural Sciences
1:30 PM Educational Program -- Tracy Leskey, USDA-ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2:30 PM Adjourn

2 pesticide license recertification credit hours will be offered for the day.

Registration for this meeting will be $25 for Mass. Fruit Growers’ Association members ($30 for non-members) per person and will include the tour, educational program, pesticide recertification credits, and lunch.

To ensure the availability of the meal, please pre-register by adding the appropriate number and type (member or non-member) registrations to your shopping cart and paying with a credit card.

We must receive pre-registrations by Monday, July 7 to assure availability of the lunch.

PDF version of this announcement

Register on-line using PayPal and a credit card

Choose registration type (update quantity on checkout)