Massachusetts Fruit Growers' Association

Membership Renewal

You can pay your MFGA dues here using a credit card (all major credit cards accepted). You can also make a donation to support MFGA's research endowment. After making your first selection by clicking a button below, you will be taken to a secure site* to view your shopping cart (where you can of course return to add more items) and enter payment details. You will receive an e-mail receipt of your transaction. Thank you. Please click here if you wish to pay your dues with a check rather than via credit card online.


(A reminder that both active and associate members receive a complimentary subscription to American Fruit Grower.)

Active Member -- $250
This category of membership is for all Massachusetts-based fruit growers
Associate Member -- $50
This category of membership is for suppliers of agricultural products and services, individuals from government agencies and NGO's, and growers from states other than Massachusetts

Voluntary Donations

You can make a donation to MFGA's research fund below. Enter your donation amount (in U.S. dollars) in the text box, then click the donate button.

MFGA's Horticultural Research Fund

enter amount in $

* MFGA uses to process your credit card transaction. You do NOT have to become a PayPal member to use your credit card.